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Exciting opportunities for the DRA in 2016

Great opportunities for the DRA lie ahead!

The Dartington Hall Trust gave 11 acres to the village to be enjoyed by everyone - for our health, enjoyment and wellbeing. Protected from development, it is up to us , the parish, to use it as we see fit, in line with these aims. There's the playing field, woodland, stream, outdoor pool, hard court, play ground and the "grassy hillocks".

Although much loved, and well used, it could offer so much more as a hub for the community. Available year round, encouraging more sports, inclusive and engaging for people with additional needs, and across a whole range of ages and abilities.

Three events have come together recently which give a great opportunity to revitalise this area.

What's happened so far?

1. The Open Spaces, Sport and Recreation group of the Neighbourhood Plan have consulted and reviewed local facilities and identified three priority areas that the parish want to see improved - the pool, playground and hard court areas at Meadowbrook.

2.Dartington Hall Trust (DHT) are looking to renew the lease for a further 99 years.

3. Dartington Recreation Association (DRA), who manage the area on behalf of the parish, are setting up a new charity which can apply for funds to develop the facilities (eg Section 106 funds, Big Lottery funds etc).

Few villages are as fortunate as Dartington to have such a gift in the heart of our community. It's good as it is but it could be so much better. There is a lot to do. For a start, there is a lot of paperwork to get the new charity registered with the charity commission and for Dartington Hall Trust to issue the new lease. If all this goes ahead, there will be an AGM in the autumn where new trustees and volunteers will need to come forward to help shape the future of the DRA in line with the wishes and aspirations of the community.

Do get in touch if you would like to get involved!




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